What is the best birthday message?

Jul 1st 2020

What is the best birthday message?

Cards for Causes

Coming up with the perfect message for a birthday card is often a lot more difficult than it needs to be. While it might be easy to come up with a clever or thoughtful sentiment for a close friend or significant other, it is definitely more challenging when you need to fill out bulk birthday cards or are looking to show appreciation to a person you don’t know all too well. Luckily, it doesn’t need to be a complicated endeavor. A little forethought can go a long way to help you craft a message you can take pride in.

Consider the Best Tone

Cards for Causes

One of the easiest ways to begin crafting messages for business birthday cards is by focusing on the tone. While your goal is to wish someone a happy birthday, there are a number of ways you can go about this task. For some, the choice is to be direct and make a simple statement. Other people find it is helpful to approach the card in a humorous way. Whether you go for silly, witty, serious, or sweet, having a general idea of the tone you’d like for your card can provide clarity moving forward.

Think About the Recipient

Cards for Causes

Another way to approach the task of writing custom greeting cards is by thinking about who will be receiving it. If you are writing a single card to a specific person, then this should not be a huge hassle. Unfortunately, your task will not always be so straightforward. When you’re addressing bulk birthday cards, you might need to make a more generic message to cover all of your bases. Try to think about the purpose of ordering these in bulk. When you order large quantities of cards for business clients, coming up with a consistent bulk message becomes easier.

Approach as a Group

Some cards are meant to be given from one person to another. While this is commonplace, there are also countless instances of a group of people coming together to compose a card for a single individual. This is usually the case in office settings where having one card from the whole staff is economical. With this type of card, you want the printed message to be as small and simple as possible. This allows for more blank space on the inside where friends and associates can write quick, personalized messages to the recipient.

Find an Appropriate Closing

Ending a card is also tricky. It can be awkward to write “love” to someone you don’t know too well. Conversely, a generic “sincerely” might read as impersonal. There are several ways to close out a card. Phrases like “best wishes” or “all the best” can capture the right sentiment without being too specific. You can also go for more specific choices like “fondly” or “gratefully” when the person is close to you, but not close enough that you feel comfortable using words with any deeper significance.

Whether addressing a single message or filling out bulk birthday cards, it is always a good idea to give yourself a chance to think over the words you use. Once you’ve landed on the ideal sentiments to include, browse the selection at Cards for Causes and see how you can place your order right away.

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